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Friday, March 29, 2019

Time Flies: 3/29/19

So far much of this blog has focused on the journey to homeschool, but there is another bridge to cross in the autumn.  Nora will be going into high school!  She has grown up so much, and is blossoming into a beautiful young woman.  And for all that, part of the little girl she was remains.  I hope it always does, because that girl is a star who shines bright.  Love you Nora xoxoxo

TBT: Monarch face paint to match her monarch dress (not pictured) ca 2010.

Monarch face paint inspired by her Halloween costume.

Today: Mermaid face paint to match her mermaid dress, March 2019.

Mermaid face paint inspired by Ariel, and out upcoming trip to Disney!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Pride and Prejudice: Its not just literature

One of my favorite movies (miniseries?) of all time is the BBC's Pride and Prejudice.  Most of you probably already know the story.  The handsome and rich Mr. Darcy embodies pride.  His sense of self derives from his lofty position in society, and he has all the reasons in the world to maintain the status quo.  Elizabeth Bennett, the "handsomest" girl in the story, is intelligent, headstrong, and witty.  After overhearing Darcy say something unkind about her family, she decides he has no redeeming values whatsoever.  Early 19th century hi-jinks ensue.

I think this story is so beloved because we are all Darcy and Lizzie rolled into one.  At least I'll admit to it.  We all walk around, trying to protect our slice of the pie, defend the status quo even if that status quo is making us insane.  Instead of letting negative feelings go, we let them color our perceptions like a pair of bad sunglasses.

So what does that have to do with the Yoga of Homeschool?  

At the end of the story, both characters have to examine the error in their ways.  

Right now Emily is still in public school finishing up the year, and its time for me to take a honest and painful look at the errors in my thinking.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Time Flies 3/21/19

Every Thursday I'd like to share a pic from when the kids were young, along with an image from this week.  Its amazing how far we've come as a family and how much they've grown.

TBT: In June 2010, Emily began extensive testing with a speech therapist, and occupation therapist, and a social worker.  Many of those tests were play based.

Playing with blocks to test her fine motor skills.  She had trouble then which has sadly continued to this day.

Today: Recently Emily had her second EEG to make sure her epilepsy meds are still working.  Since she's growing, the dose may have to be changed eventually.  Despite the fact this was a sleep deprivation exam, she was all smiles.  

The EEG isn't painful and doesn't involve needles, so she's usually in a good mood.

Monday, March 18, 2019

What does Yoga have to do with Homeschool Anyway?

Hello and welcome to the first post of my new blog!  Its going to be similar to my original blog, Momma Needs Another Cup of Coffee, but you will find a few years have passed. Nora is now a teen headed to high school in the fall.  Emily will be turning 12 this summer.  Where did the time go?  It seems like just yesterday when we were getting her tested to see if she'd ever learn to speak.

She has, believe me, the girl can talk your ear off.  But back to the issue at hand.

The Yoga of Homeschool.  You may be thinking, what the hell is Ivy talking about?  Or, if you're a visual thinker, this might come to mind:

Or maybe this: